Team Deathmatch

DURATION : Until all the players of a team are hit.

TARGET : Eliminate all opponents and stay alive.

DESCRIPTION : Two teams start from their bases, each team’s strategy may be different, but the goal remains the same, to hit all the players of the opposing team and get them out of the game.



Difficulty: Easy

Respawn Team Deathmatch

DURATION : Until a team reaches 10 points.

TARGET : Hit all your opponents and be the first to reach 10 points.

DESCRIPTION : As in regular Team Deathmatch, both teams start from their base in order to eliminate their opponents. Every time they hit an opponent, the team gets a point. The opponent returns to his base and enters the game again. The first team to reach 10 points is the winner.

LIVES : Unlimited


Difficulty: Average

Center Flag

DURATION : Until the flag reaches the base of a team.

TARGET : Take the flag and return it to your team’s base.

DESCRIPTION : In the center of the field there is a flag that must reach the base of the team. Whoever manages to get the flag must return it to his base. He can’t give it to another player. In the event he gets hit, he leaves the flag on the ground where he was hit and it can be picked up by any other player.

LIVES : One or unlimited depending on agreement.

FIELDS : Counter Strike

Difficulty: Average


DURATION : 7 minutes

TARGET : One group to disarm the bomb and the other to protect it.

DESCRIPTION : At the Ghost Town field, the defending team places the bomb in one of the houses and goes to their base. The attacking team starts from their base in the Vietnam field, without knowing which house is the bomb and has seven minutes to find and disarm it. The players of the defending team are not allowed to go to the house where the bomb is.


FIELDS : Vietnam and Ghost Town

Difficulty: Average


DURATION : 15 minutes

TARGET : Hold the area for as long as possible.

DESCRIPTION : In the center of the Counter Strike field is the area to be occupied. Reach that area and raise your team’s flag. Time now counts in your favor. Defend the area for as long as possible as the opposing team will try to lower your flag and raise their own. At the end of the 15 minutes time, the team that had the area for more time, wins the game.

LIVES : Unlimited

FIELDS : Counter Strike

Difficulty: High

Paintland Chania Paintland Chania